The most important thing is that we should have freedom of thought. It is not easy as it sounds. For everyone likes to have this freedom for himself. But is not ready to give it to others when they express different opinions. It usually happens in a particular case when the differences of opinion arise on such important matters as religion or politics. But if we refuse to let other people hold their opinion on these matters and especially we try to force them to accept our own, progress is impossible. If everyone went onthinking the same things as his ancestors thought, progress would come to an end because as the Buddha said “What a man thinks, he becomes”. So if we think exactly what our forefathers thought, we shall remain in the condition in which they were. Our thoughts depend a good deal upon what we read and what we talk about. Therefore if we want to think new thoughts, we must try to study all sides of the topic that comes before us and not to be content only with what we read in newspapers or what others say. 1. Why are we not ready to give freedom to people?
Degrace and/or disgrace(s). Hope that helps!
to show the location of major sections of a text
the topic is what you are talking about and theme is the auctal story is about.