Is there a certain number of sentences you have to write ?
The author evaluates the effectiveness of different types of garden hose. If a hose is more effective, it will surely have more demand and the price of that hose will increase. The author explains the meaning of perceived value since if consumers think that a particular hose is better than other and that will lead to an increase. The same will happen if the peception is bad, comsumers will punish the product by reducing the price.or has. Cultures can affect also the demand of a good or service.Taxes can vary prices. Employment situations affect aslo the prices.
"I lived in the first century of world wars" is the opening line of "Poem" by Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) an American poet and political activist. Her best-known poems are about social justice, equality and feminism. Her choice of words establishes her anti-war theme and her efforts to oppose war through her poetry: "Slowly I would get to pen and paper, Make my poems for others unseen and unborn. In the day I would be reminded of those men and women, Brave, setting up signals across vast distances, Considering a nameless way of living, of almost unimagined values." She felt her poetry, which would outlive her, would be a message to those "unseen and unborn" who could work to promote peace and justice. "We would try by any means To reach the limits of ourselves, to reach beyond ourselves, To let go the means, to wake." Here Rukeyser was passing on the baton, as it were, to the generations "beyond ourselves" in the hope that they would be more purposeful peacemakers.
I have to write 20 characters in order to answer this thing lol.