According tot he fourth amendment, in order to legally search a person's property a government must: A) have a search warrant
The fourth amendment of united states prohibit the government to conduct unreasonable searches and seizures. The only reason that can be use to justify search without a warrant is if it involves emergency situations (such as if the police heard a scream or gunshots).
To study data and patterns
This passage we can say is a direct response the critique of indulgences raised by the Protestant reform.
In other words this could be a direct answer to Martin Luther and his 95 thesis, in which the selling of the indulgences, that is the forgiveness of sins in exchange of money, was the main issue. The Church states that the Christ himself gave the right to them to sell the indulgences and that that is the time-honored tradition.
I believe, due to my research, that the answer is A. In the Mayflower Compact, they had their first democratic government and in order to make that successful, you would want to make rules that are fair to the people and yourself! Hope this helps! =)