When grouping ideas in an outline, it is important to remember to follow a pattern. You might group them according to concepts, in chronological order, in order of importance, etc. However, you need to make sure your ideas are coherent and they respect certain concepts. if not, when you start writing it would be difficult to organize a clear assay.
If your question referrs to technological advances then the Computer takes the cake as one technological device that impacted us.
In the lady of shallot, The speaker calls her tapestry "a magic web" because the lady was weaving a tapestry picture without even straight to the world, except viewing the world through a mirror placed besides her.
Though she was happy weaving but was fed up viewing life through a reflection.
One day, when the bold and handsome Lancelot was riding by,She rushed to the window to view directly towards Camelot, This act placed a curse on her which later leads to her death.
<span>the treat that Mr.Jones will come back; Each time the animals dare to question an aspect of Napoleon’s regime, Squealer threatens them with Jones’s return. This is doubly threatening to the animals because it would mean another battle that, if lost, would result in a return to their former lifestyle of submission. Jones’s return is such a serious threat that it quashes the animals’ curiosity without fail.</span>