What entirely are you asking ? this question seems incomplete .
You are able to exchange the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement to produce a converse of the statement, and you can test to see if the converse of a true conditional statement is true.
The most appropriate reason why Brooks capitalized the words "Mostly Good," is to draw attention, and highlight this point, so the reader would receive better context, and a reason to think and use intellectual reasoning.
Sorry but without god how would you make it in life? there are only so many things you can go with doing it by yourself but that you have to speak to your god at times an ask or help
They are both grammatically correct it is just that the former is using perfact past. As sited from <span>Cambridge Grammar of the English Language "</span>The preterite perfect [i.e. the past perfect] locates the writing anterior to an intermediate time which is anterior to the time of speaking - it is doubly anterior (140). "