Plumbing was more of a luxury/comfort for people that also made their life easier. Baths were common and were usually taken while standing up in public baths. Bathing was also used for ceremonial purposes in religious services and rituals. Toilets were only limited to those who could afford them, so the upper class. Lower classes used urns or sump pots. Upper class toilets were stacked bricks with a hole that would drain out. Plumbing on the 2nd floor though was led by pipes to the streets. Limestone was used to prevent leakage.
Wu Zhao lowered taxes, and increased food production. Also Wu funded public projects and tried to reduce the power of the military in China. Wu also replaced aristocratic military men with scholar-officals.
in the upper pic there is ans. of the question
I'll review each statement and explain why it is true or false.
1. FALSE. The Roosevelt Corollary was issued in response to the Venezuela Crisis of 1902-1903.
2. TRUE. It added to the Monroe Doctrine, created in 1823 with the purpose of opposing European colonialism in North and South America.
3. TRUE. The US was allowed to intervene indebted Latin American countries such as Dominican Republic and order the customs house to be given to the US negotiators as a means to pay. This was known as the "Dollar Diplomacy".
4. FALSE. The Roosevelt Corollary was a manifestation of the "Big Stick Diplomacy" in Latin America.
5. TRUE. According to the corollary, the US was to intervene as a means to defend Latin America from the Europeans.
6. TRUE. Britain, Germany and Italy imposed a naval blockade as Venezuelan President Cipriano Castro refused to pay debts and damages suffered by Europeans citizen in the Venezuelan Civil War.