Answer: frame of reference.
A frame of reference is a varied set of assumptions and attitudes which a person uses to filter his perceptions to create meaning. It may his beliefs, preferences, values, culture and other ways. Because every person has a unique frame of reference the meaning of a message can never be exactly the same to a listener as to a speaker.
MB-TI ( Mayer's-Briggs Type Indicator)
MB-TI ( Mayer's-Briggs Type Indicator) is a type of self-inventory that tells about the basic characteristics of a person such as thinking, intuitive, etc. This questionnaire or test was proposed by mother and daughter Mayer's and her mother Katherine. This test was based on Jung's personality theory. This test also called the first paper and pencil character inventory that tells about the personality of a person. There are traits such as:
- Introversion/Extroversion
- Intuitive/Sensing
- Thinking/Feeling
- Judging/Perceiving
The popular jury is foreseen for a single set of crimes, which are intentional crimes against life, whether attempted or consummated. In other words, they are the intentional crimes.
The verdict is the responsibility of the popular jury, and is determined whether the defendant is convicted or not. The sentence is the determination of the penalty that this convicted defendant will have to pay, and is the sole responsibility of the judge.