B because we weren't imperialized during the war.
A portcullis is a heavy vertically-closing gate typically found in Medieval fortifications, consisting of a latticed grille made of wood, metal, or a combination of the two, which slides down grooves inset within each jamb of the gateway.
An absoulute monarch because i asked my teacher this a while ago.
Since water vapour or steam condenses back to water, the molecular structure stays the same. Answer option 1.
Letter C is correct.
In fact, The Ku Klux Klan was a secret white supremacist group in the U.S which main purpose was to promote violence against jews, black people, and other minorities. By using terrorist methods, these Klans intimidated black voters and Republicans and prevented them from voting and participating in politics. However, in <u>Reconstruction Era</u>, the red shirts had a strong desire to overthrow the reconstruction government and were the ones who used force to terrorize and intimidate freedman and prevent them from voting.