Multicultural Problems in Criminal Justice investigates diversity concerns as they influence criminal justice offices both internally and externally on color, sexuality, belief, ethnicity and related subjects. In the American culture, multiculturalism offers both difficulties and possibilities for justice practitioners.
Social diversity and multiculturalism are more widespread in the justice system than in the rest of the community. If we consider the example of Race, according to the American Bar Association, African-Americans face a confinement rate that is almost six times that of whites.
Many times community police organizations also demand and implement multifariousness training related to their communities.
Because criminal justice is primary responders, on the grounds and in the community, which works directly with residents, so that these residents must be aware of different cultures in which they work.
Exclamation of commitment
Escalation of commitment can be defined as the way in which a person is having challenges concerning a particular thing due to the difficulty or negative result in resolving it and instead of the person to abandon it, the individual did not relent.
Exclamation of commitment often occur in a situation in which an individual like a particular thing, in which such person continue to invest their money or resources on it despite not giving them positive outcome due to the resource they might have spent on it earlier making it difficult for them to have a change of mind concerning it, in which they might later abandoned it because it was unsuccessful.
Therefore This incident illustrates the group dynamic of: EXCLAMATION OF COMMITMENT
Since Spain was worn out after the civil war, fascism gained power through the support of Spain's lower classes. Support from fascists in Italy and Germany helped as well.
roman system was very strict in some ways like woman and men rights but united did the same for some time too but united states doesn't anymore so its better in that sense
As a response to Kipling's poem “The White Man’s Burden: The United States and The Philippine Islands;” African-American clergyman and editor H. T. Johnson wrote and published in April 1899 “The Black Man’s Burden” arguing that mistreatment of brown people in the Philippines was a reflection of the mistreatment of black Americans at home, as stronger countries abuse their power to conquer weaker/less developed countries as it is clear in that part of the poem below.
"Hail ye your fearless armies,
Which menace feeble folks
Who fight with clubs and arrows
and brook your rifle’s smoke".