It is used for emphasis or as a way of making a description more creative and humorous. It is important to note that hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally; the audience knows it's an exaggeration. ... The speaker is using hyperbole in order to emphasize that the suitcase feels very heavy.
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
So this one is fairly different from the other one, it's a book that was originally written in French. It's about a man named Jean who goes to jail for a long time for stealing bread. He later gets out years later, and struggles finding shelter and a job because he used to be in jail. Anyways, he meets a guy who offers him shelter, and Jean later steals his silver to sell it, the man finds out but kind of allows him because he knows he's suffering.
This is all I know so far because I'm not done reading it, (it's a very big book) but I like it so far.
Also the book was written in 1845, it's old, but interesting. :D
Climax- The Van Daan's and the Frank's became really scared that the thief would rat them out, so they tried as much as possible to be careful. As time passed the food became less, while Peter Van Daan and Anne Frank became closer than ever.
Rising Action-With the help of Miep and Klieman the two families were able to survive. Miep checks in on them and brings in Food and books to fill them in on what's up in the outside world. Miep also brought one other person to join the two families, Mr. Dussel. The arrival of Mr. Dussel has decreased the quantity of food for the families. The nine people who lived the Annex enquired a problem, when a loud noise was heard from below. Mr. Frank had gone to check what it was, but it seemed the thief had gotten away. This was where the families realized that their hiding spot had been discovered,
Falling Action- A knock was heard from below, everyone was quiet and scared. Mr.Frank opened the door and it was Kleiman he explained that he tried to protect the but, the Nazi didn't believe him. On August 4th, 1944 the nine people who lived in the secret Annex were arrested. They were asked if they wanted to take some of their belongings, but Anne leaves her diary in hopes that it would soon be published. ( It Was!!!!)
Denouement(falling action)- The Van Daan's, the Frank's and Mr. Dussel were all taken to concentration camps. Anne dies of typhus. Anne's sister Margot also dies of Typhus. Edith ( Anne's mother ) dies of hunger/ exhaustion. Mr. Van Daan dies in a gas chamber. The death of Mrs. Van Daan and her son Peter Van Daan is unknown. Otto Frank( Anne's Father ) is the only one who survives of the nine people from the Annex, He was able to publish Anne's diary in 1947. He dies of Lung Cancer in 1980. When the war was over Adolf Hitler killed himself and concentration camps were liberated by british troops on April 12, 1945.
I like to over right things so it will be explained the best but just take out key moments you think are right and put it down. Hope this helped :)
6. Dan said that this was the best dinner he has ever had
what's the question about?