Shortsighted, illness, Honest, & Faithful.
George was faithful since he never took a mistress (in contrast with his grandfather and his sons), and the couple enjoyed a genuinely happy marriage. (Honest is tied to this argument)
He can also be described with the term "Illness" since he in the later half of his life suffered from recurrent and, eventually, permanent mental illness. (Shortsighted connects to this argument since he became pretty much blinded because of the illness that he suffered.)
After proving this, the court will typically scrutinize the governmental action in one of several three ways to determine whether the governmental body's action is permissible: these three methods are referred to as strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, and rational basis scrutiny.
speculation in the stock market
The Committees of Correspondence promoted manufacturing in the Thirteen Colonies and advised colonists not to buy goods imported from Britain. The goal of the Committees of Correspondence throughout the Thirteen Colonies was to inform voters of the common threat they faced from their mother country