Ignoring personal feelings in the work place isn't a mistake. When working your focused on the task that is at hand and put personal feelings aside.
Means a "clap, tapping one's hand on one's arm, a musical measure". It is the term used in Indian classical music to refer to musical meter, that is any rhythmic beat or strike that measures musical time.
Depending on the group assignment, there would be more facts than opinions but it would still be balanced. Opinions give ideas to the project while facts say what the limits are.
ए) 'गान्धी' एवं ऋचाए शब्द में उचित अनुस्वार या अनुनासिक का प्रयोग कर शब्द पुनः लिखिए-
A) Rewrite the word using the appropriate reminder or resonant in the word 'Gandhi' and Richa-
Lazy is the negative strongest connotations i think