Las funciones del Cabildo iban desde el buen gobierno de la ciudad, el control del presupuesto y de las rentas del municipio y el correcto abastecimiento de víveres, hasta la persecución de la delincuencia y la administración de la justicia local.
que tenga un buen día
The Vietnam War was also called the first "television war". For the first time in history, people have been able to see all the meaninglessness of war from their own homes.
Influential journalists such as Walter Cronckite, who sharply criticized the conflict, even called for peace talks, have rebelled against this bloody war. His reports compared losses to World War II. The journalist also cited US military policy, and at the same time, the Vietnamese media urged that peace talks begin.
The fact that they had no start up money
The first city belonging to the Islamic civilization was Medina, where the prophet Mohammed moved to in 622 AD, known as Year One in the Islamic calendar (Anno Hegira). But the settlements associated with the Islamic empire range from trade centers to desert castles to fortified cities.
The three largest galaxies in our local group are the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way, and the Triangulum Galaxy. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way. Hope these facts about the Milky Way help!