History of citizenship<span> describes the changing relation between an individual and the state, commonly known as </span>citizenship<span>. Citizenship is generally identified not as an aspect of Eastern civilization but of </span>Western civilization.<span>There is a general view that citizenship in ancient times was a simpler relation than modern forms of citizenship, although this view has been challenged.</span>
<span>The independent variable is the variable that is being changed within an experiment. In Simone's experiment, everything is being kept the same between the two groups except that one group will be listening to music during the PT sessions. The independent variable is therefore listening to music versus not listening to music.</span>
A role of the second continental congress was to (D) Manage the revolutionary war
“Second Continental Congress” met after the revolutionary war started. So, they made strategies, raised the armies and made formal treaties to run the states. It was then when they appointed "George Washington" as their commander-in-chief.
“Second Continental Congress” managed the colonial war and working towards America's independence was their major aim. They said that British did not have a legal claim over the colonies. They formed a Continental Army to fight against the British.