Extracurricular activities are a great way to start getting involved in local affair. Whether you are playing on a soccer team, volunteering at the animal shelter, or donating to a local nursing home these are all great ways to become more involved with more local affairs. However, should everyone become participators in extracurricular activities? I feel as if _________ and here is why. (I put the blank space their so you can share your opinion, I hope this was helpful1)
when I went in 1991, they were re- constructing or
building new park.
we went to "magic kindom," not many new attractions, I was only impressed with the haunted house.
All other displays in (florida), were from the late 1960's).. Didnt feel justified with the price= No outside food, went back to our car 2 eat lunch, we paid about $ 200. just to get in!
plus had 2 eat there, 2 hot dogs 1 fry=$ 40.