So they could go through to Asia. They didn't know how far the Americas were from Asia.
The Mayflower Compact was the 1st document to declare self-governing in the New World. It established common good in which it represented all people. Influencing Decleration of Independence.
When the wilsons sold there oxen to buy a stake in the hotel consisting of two rooms, Luzena only saw two other woman, giving her money or a good business for men who desired a meal cooked by a woman. Hope this helped
The Roman Empire simply became too big. Rome became too extended, too expensive to be sustained by the available resources, and no fundamental technological breakthrough was available to enlarge these resources. In the Roman Empire between 235 and 284 C.E, some twenty-six individuals claimed the title of Roman emperor, only one of whom died of natural causes. The population of the Roman empire declined by 25% in the two centuries following 250 C.E, a demographic disaster that meant diminished production, less revenue for the state, and fewer men available for the defense of the empire’s long frontiers.