Which of the following sentences combines the independent clauses into a sentence using the most appropriate coordinating conjun
ction? Examples:
Harvey drives. Frank walks.
Harvey drives and Frank walks.
Harvey drives, but Frank walks.
The players were covered in mud. Fans had trouble identifying the teams.
The players were covered in mud, so fans had trouble identifying the teams.
The players were covered in mud, yet fans had trouble identifying the teams.
The players were covered in mud, or fans had trouble identifying the teams.
Which of the following sentences combines the independent clauses into a sentence using the most appropriate coordinating conjunction?
Harvey drives. Frank walks.
Harvey drives and Frank walks.
Harvey drives, but Frank walks.
April is here. The flowers are not in bloom.
April is here, so the flowers are not in bloom.
April is here, nor the flowers are not in bloom.
April is here, but the flowers are not in bloom.
Which of the following sentences combines the independent clauses into a sentence using the most appropriate coordinating conjunction?
Harvey drives. Frank walks.
Harvey drives and Frank walks.
Harvey drives, but Frank walks.
He obeys the Bible. He is a good Christian.
He is a good Christian, but he obeys the Bible.
He is a good Christian, or he obeys the Bible.
He is a good Christian, so he obeys the Bible.
Which of the following sentences combines the independent clauses into a sentence using the most appropriate coordinating conjunction?
Harvey drives. Frank walks.
Harvey drives and Frank walks.
Harvey drives, but Frank walks.
I will make a cake. I might make a pie.
I will make a cake, so I might make a pie.
I will make a cake, or I might make a pie.
I will make a cake, nor I might make a pie.
The American writer Joyce Carol Oates, published "<em>Against Nature</em>" in 1988, an essay criticizing how nature is portrait and romanticized in literature; suggesting instead not take anything for granted.
She realizes that her body is a potpourri of complex structures inhabited by her conscience, and comments that "<em>the “I” doesn’t exist</em>".
Asia is home to some of the most diverse habitats in the world, both above and below the water, but it is estimated that more than one in three species are endangered