Credits and land concessions.
During his presidency, Lincoln understood the need to unite the eastern and western extremes of the United States, through a transportation system that would guarantee some safety and speed in travel.
In 1865, the Congress passed by law the financing of the first transcontinental railroad construction, which linked the city of Omaha with the city of Sacramento.
In order to carry out the execution of the works, the government hired the companies <em>"Central Pacific"</em> and <em>"Unión Pacific"</em>.
On May 10, 1869, the act of inauguration of the railway line was carried out, in which Stanford placed the <em>"Golden Spike" </em>in Promontory, Utah.
Success in your homework!
Answer: Frederick Douglass
In 1846, Frederick Douglass was first inspired to publish The North Star after subscribing to The Liberator, a weekly newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison. The Liberator was a newspaper established by Garrison and his supporters founded upon moral principles.
<span>He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany.</span>