Relative humidity
Relative humidity -
It is the value of the ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to the vapor pressure at the equilibrium stage of water at a particular temperature , is called the relative humidity .
The value of relative humidity depends on the pressure and temperature of the system .
It helps to determine the amount of wet air in comparison to the the amount of water the air can hold to .
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A supernova results in a massive explosion of a star.
<span> Japan has significant coastal waters, which provide the country with fish and other seafood. However, the demand for fish is so high that it must be supplemented with imports from abroad. Although Japan has a small amount of arable land, the country has some of the highest crop yields in the world, producing over 60 percent of its own food each year. The country has adequate supplies of gold, silver, and magnesium, but it must import many of the minerals essential to its booming electronics industry, such as iron ore and copper.</span>
The correct answer is A) solar system, milky way, universe