English: I wanted to go outside but it's too cold.
Spanish: Quería salir pero es demasiado frío.
Problem-Solution Text Structure: The author describes a problem and then explains how it was solved.
The above is the correct answer.
Ron Howard, the movie producer for Apollo 13 had difficulty when making the movie Apollo 13. The difficulty he was faced with is getting film scenes in space. But he was able to find the solution to the problem. The special KC-135 airplane helped to provide the solution.
The Problem-Solution Text Structure is one that states a problem and later goes ahead to reveal/relate the solution.
When Maya Angelou says that words mean more than what is set down on paper, she means that there is always a meaning with greater intent.
When she says it takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning she means how people sat things in a certain tone and it can mean more to us when said to us rather than us reading it.
I just made this up it probably won't help I've never heard thag quote before
Retirement ages for the animals and the pigs.
The pigs arranged parades - animals stopped work marched in military fashion,
Pigs leading,
and the dogs
flanked the procession, Napoleon is marching first.