The correct sentence is:
3. He tried to affect our vote.
The sentences we are analyzing here are testing our knowledge of words that sound similar but have different meanings, or words that have close meanings with small differences.
For the first sentence, the verb should be "lay" instead of "lie". "Lie" is an intransitive verb, which means it does not act upon an object. "Lay", however, needs an object. We lay something. The sentence should be: Please lay this book on the table.
The second sentence confuses "except" with "accept". Just keep in mind that "except" is related to "exception", which means to exclude something. The sentence should be: Please accept my apology.
The third sentence is correct. We must use "affect", which is a verb. Some people confuse it for "effect", which is a noun.
Finally, the fourth sentence uses "set" instead of "sit", but the two verbs have completely different meanings. From the context, we can tell "sit" is the best option. The person wants to sit down to rest.
Following are the response to the given question:
The small intestine is just where nutrients were absorbed. Upon on surface of the cells that form your small intestine are microscopic projections called microvilli. This is the process of digesting simple sugars moving into the muscle tissues to be utilized. Glucose, for instance, can be used to provide fuel during breathing. Amino acids of specific proteins.
The theme of the story is "trusting family and friends when you need them"
It is easy to identify the theme, since the main character goes through an ordeal when he gets lost; however, relying on a friend lets him find the way out of the situation.
Building long-life relationships is also shown in the story as a virtue, since the character had a shy personality and it was really hard for him to make friends.
B. to reflect a hopeful, cohesive view of American society.