According to the passage, the paradox people struggle with in life is:
4. Gaining awareness of one’s “self” causes a person to yearn for companionship with others.
This paradox is excerpted from the last sentence: The sense of moral isolation is intolerable to us.
Horse races and to race and win
"The blaring siren from the bright red fire truck woke me from my deep sleep."
It gives more details than any of the other sentences.
One of the things I tend to think about is just how important social interaction is. In the current pandemic we live in, we are forced to stay at home and practically isolate ourselves from reality. We listen to the news and depend on politics to tell us what to do next. We don't go out, communicate, socialize, or even have fun anymore. That is extremely unhealthy. It has been proven that the more healthy relationships you have, the longer you live. So why depend on politics during this time? Why not go out and communicate and socialize? Cultural beliefs? Why don't we stay safe but also surround ourselves with our loved ones at the same time? One of the most important things to take into consideration during a pandemic like this is it's not going away anytime soon, but we have to learn how to deal with it, how to pick ourselves back up, and go back to how we used to be.
I hope this helps :)