The first transcontinental line was established in 1869. Eventually, railways lowered the cost of transporting many kinds of goods across great distances. ... Busy transport links increased the growth of cities. The transportation system helped to build an industrial economy on a national scale.
The creativity came from the work of the higher people
The three empires were among the strongest and stablest economies of the early modern period, leading to commercial expansion and greater patronage of culture, while their political and legal institutions were consolidated with an increasing degree of centralisation. They underwent a significant increase in per capita income and population and a sustained pace of technological innovation. The empires were centralised from the Eastern Europe and North Africa in the west to between today's modern Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east.
They were Islamic and had considerable military and economic success. Vast amount of territories were conquered by the Islamic gunpowder empires with the use and development of the newly invented firearms, especially cannon and small arms, in the course of imperial construction. Unlike in Europe, the introduction of gunpowder weapons prompted changes well beyond military organization.
It was a number of them. We can start with the threat to china's borders and very existence, when a large American army approached through north Korea. This would get china into the war with North Korea, and will last three years over 1 million Chinese casualites
the answer is lack of candidates