steelersssss all the way babyyyy
Procedure for Registering a Partnership Firm
Step 1: Application for Registration. An application form has to be filed to the Registrar of Firms of the State in which the firm is situated along with prescribed fees. ...
Step 2: Selection of Name of the Partnership Firm. ...
Step 3: Certificate of Registration
Answer: perform in-between meeting tasks(A)
The plan-do-check-act (PDCA) is a four-step method that is used in business and organizations for the control and improvement of the processes and products
A in PDCA stands for Act and it means to take action based on what one has learned in the study. In a case whereby the change does not work, own should go through the cycle again using a different plan.
In cases were one is successful, the person should incorporate what has been learned from the test into broader changes.
The "act" part of the PDCA cycle is used to perform in-between meeting tasks.
Answer: Annual Report
Completing the question with right answer:
An annual report is a yearly published statement of the financial condition, progress and expectations of an organization.
The financial report is normally targeted at the stakeholders and other individuals who have interest in the organization.
Innovation occurs only when something is entirely new, having never been done before. Innovation also exist when something which may have been done elsewhere is done for the first time in a given industry.
On the other hand, when other competitors in the same industry subsequently copy the innovator, even though it is something new for them, then it is imitation.
When a company comes out with a new product, its competitors typically go on the defensive, doing whatever they can to reduce the odds that the offering will eat into their sales. Responses might include: cranking up marketing efforts, offering discounts to channel partners and even lobbying for regulations that would hinder the rival's expansion.
Therefore, Lilypad's managers should prepare for INCREASED COMPETITION FROM IMITATORS next.