Cognates are words that are etymologically related, or descended from the same language or form. In proper usage, false cognates are words whose similarity in form or sound may be coincidental or the result of mutual influence; but they are not etymologically related.
What are 4 Characterizations to describe Victor? First of Secondary by Gary Soto. Find 4 quotes from the reading. At least one inaccurate and one direct.
1. Pinta
2. Comemos
3. Comen
Esta formado por los 206 huesos repartidos por casi todas las partes del cuerpo. Que permiten el aparato locomotor Que pueden ser largos, cortos, planos Que forman el esqueleto y proteccion para los organos internos Que se unen en tejido oseo, y tejido cartilaginoso Que son la columna vertebral, craneo, y pelvis
Why is Rebekah happy?
Because it's the last day of school.
Because this year has been very difficult.
Because she ended up with her boyfriend.
Because he has good grades.
There you go