home owners pay PROPERTY TAXES
workers pay INCOME TAXES
businesses are required to pay CORPORATE TAXES
took on edge.
Education and Knowledge, Goal Setting, Communication, and Self Confidence.
Educating and Knowledge: It is important to be knowledgeable about the issues that are affecting your country. If Roosevelt was oblivious and not informed on any of the issues affecting the U.S. decisions made by him would have been very questionable because he was not educated on the topic.
Goal Setting: Like any good leader you need to have a goal. Why should anyone vote you as president if you do not even have a goal during your run. You most likely would not be elected if you stated that you dont have any goals.
Self-Confidence: You need to have self confidence so that you are not easily redirected and often made to change your mind. You need to be confident in what you are doing and own up to it if you make a mistake. If you don't have any confidence any one can easily change your decision and therefore run the country for you.
Banned worked from important industries from striking as then products for the war could not be made.
I think it is political and corporate corruption