Because of our constitutional rights.
Eles querem seu território na Itália.
Os austríacos não queriam a unificação da Itália porque querem seu território na Itália e isso só será possível se a Itália não for unida. Se o povo da Itália quiser a unificação do país, os austríacos perderão seu território. Por isso, se opõem à unificação da Itália e trabalham contra a unificação do país para garantir seu território no país.
The release of the song “Rapper's Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang in 1979 brought both rap and hip-hop culture national and international attention. “Rapper's Delight” was actually an interpolation of a popular disco song entitled “Good Times” by the female group Chic.
give brainliest pls
The US constitution shapes our lives as Americans by providing the fundamental foundation to the way our society functions. The bill of rights (first 10 amendments) outlines the rights of citizens to protect the people against the abuse and excess of government power. The constitution regulates the balance of the government, requiring a 3 branch check and balance system so that the government maintains fairness and stability. This ensures the voice of the people is heard and that the government does not abuse its power. The constitution delegates powers to the states which allows state governments to determine what is suitable for their state and what the people of their state need and want. The consitution gives the power to the people and allows the people voice to be heard. The constitution is the backbone of our democracy.