Frederic Sorrieu is trying to depict a Utopian vision where the World is characterized by the following:
World made up of democratic and secular Republics.
People of Europe, America, men , women of all ages and classes marching together, paying homage to the statue of liberty.
Remains of the symbols of absolutists monarchies.
Sorrieu grouped people into different nations, with their distinct flags and costumes.
US and Switzerland are leading the processions.
A female figure holding torch of enlightenment and charter of rights of the man.
He is trying to give a sense of belonging to the people, a shared collective identity through the symbols.
Answer: so the answer is YES
Although Buddhism spread throughout Asia it remained virtually unknown in the West until modern times. The early missions sent by the emperor Ashoka to the West did not bear fruit.
Knowledge of Buddhism has come through three main channels: Western scholars; the work of philosophers, writers and artists; and the arrival of Asian immigrants who have brought various forms of Buddhism with them to Europe, North America and Australia.
The 'come and see for yourself' attitude of Buddhism attracts many Westerners. They are not asked to believe in anything, but to follow the Buddha's advice of testing ideas first.
With the growth of easy travel and communications, the West has been able to find out more about Buddhism in this century than in all the time before. The informality and emphasis on practice of Buddhism appeals to many Westerners.
Mount Everest is 8848 meter tall.
incoln's re-election ensured that he would preside over the successful conclusion of the Civil War. Lincoln's victory made him the first president to win re-election since Andrew Jackson in 1832, as well as the first Northern president to ever win re-election.
Ottoman Empire was founded by C) Osman he also founded dynasty and he was turken nomadic chef.