I'm assuming this is a fill-in-the-blank, so "I don't mind staying home with the kids, provided you are comfortable working outside the home"
Individual steps in a case should be written in the form e. Subject, Verb, Direct Object, Preposition, Indirect Object.
A use case implies the description of an action or activity. In other words, it involves a description of the actions that a a person will have to do in order to carry out a process. The syntactic structure of the instructions should always be in the direct form, so as to be clear and avoid any mistakes in the process. For example:
"In case of emergency, (you) [Implicit Subject] <u>use</u> [Verb] <u>the hammer</u> [Direct Object] to break <u>the glass </u>[Indirect Object]"
The Informal diction that suggests chaos or noise is this description of how the soldiers are being ambushed with cannons from all over the place.
The correct answer is C. Gideon was the son of a tribal medicine men, so all of this knowledge was passed onto him. However, he (along with the other African servants) do not reveal the name of the medicinal root, regardless of (and perhaps in spite of) the potential monetary benefits involved with telling the white people about their medicine.
The symbol for Hercules is a Club and lion skin