b. Ngb-H64Q has a higher affinity than hemoglobin for both carbon monoxide and oxygen. However, Ngb-H64Q binds to carbon monoxide with a higher affinity than to oxygen.
A study of neuroglobin (Ngb), a hemoglobin-like protein present in the brain, was done at the University of Pittsburgh by a team of researchers. Upon testing the red blood cells of a mouse that contained carbon monoxide, they found that Ngb-H64Q was significantly better at removing CO from hemoglobin than 100-percent oxygen treatment. Hence Ngb-H64Q binds to carbon monoxide with a higher affinity than to oxygen.
reduced pesticides
protect water quality
promote natural bat habitat
That statement is true. When a frog hatches from the egg, a fish like creature called a tadpole emerges. As the tadpole grow, lungs and legs grow, and the gills and tail "absorb," into the body. After that, the now frog creatures spends most time on land. Hope that helped! Vote this as the brainliest answer please!
Optical trapping interferometry
Optical trap is a device which can measure forces or dielectric objects of magnitude of Pico newton or micron.
In this, a high focused light beam is used to view objects under the microscope. It is highly used in molecular and cell biology and biophysics
This methodology has been adapted to sort lipids at cell surface and in activation of kinase in the dendritic cells
I believe the answer is B