causing less precipitation is not
D.Mendel's law of independent assortment is being violated.
According to Mendel in his law of independent assortment, the allele of one gene gets sorted into gametes independently of the allele of another gene. He discovered this when he performed a cross involving two characters i.e. dihybrid cross, which he obtained a F2 phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1. This ratio is only possible if each allele of each gene is represented in each gamete i.e. a dominant allele of the first gene is equally likely possible to be contained with a dominant or recessive allele in the second gene.
If this occurs according to the Mendel's law of independent assortment, a total of four possible combinations of gametes should be produced by each parent organism. When this 4 gametes are crossed in a punnet square, a total of 16 offsprings will be possible.
However, in this case, a total of 12 offsprings were produced, depicting that the alleles did not separate independently of one another to produce four possible gametes.
16) 6 electrons
17) 6 protons
18) 6 neutrons
19) 4 electrons
20) 6
There are 6 electrons on the rings in total and 6 protons inside the nucleus. If you count the black cir les, there are 6 of them so there are 6 neutrons. Knowing that the inner ring can only hold 2 electrons the most, 6-2= 4. So there are 4 electrons on the outer ring. Knowing that you can get the atomic number based on the number of protons an atom have, the at pool mic number would be 6.