William Blake was a poet who used to write poetry mostly romantic poems based on marriage, love, and attraction.
In one of his poem, ‘The Marriage of Hell and Heaven’ he stated that ‘Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate are necessary to Human existence.’ By this he meant that there can’t just be one force working on this universe. If there’s hate, there’s also going to be hate.
He describe Good as Heaven and Evil as Hell. Heaven and hell is simply the acts of good doings and wrong doings.
B, you don't have to include information of the author (you).
When something happens to our body, it is the job of the nervous system to transmit these sensations (both positive and negative) and inform the body of what is happening. If you observe the entire country to be a body, the media would be the nervous system as its job is to transmit the information throughout the entire body, making sure every part of the body is aware of a certain sensation.
it tells about like worries and stuff from that time
he is the chief that has a patrol car