As Bede, the writer, was a devout Christian, he used many references to Christianity in his work. Jesus Christ was considered a shepherd to his flock as he led people out of sinful lives into sin-free lives. Similarly, Caedmon is said to have led people away from their vices and toward the path to heaven through his song. A cowherd was also a person at the bottom of the social ladder. This fact might be meant to imply that through divine grace, even a man from a humble background may change many lives.
encroach. to advance or intrude beyond set limits; trespass, intrude, creep. evince. to clearly demonstrate or exhibit; show, reveal, display.
Collin bit his lip for the hundereth time and shuffeld down the hallway
Try reading some poems about the morning, such as Sylvia Plath's Moring Song, or T.S. Elliots Morning at the Window for inspiration. Think about how you feel about early Sunday mornings and try to emulate the mood of stillness and serenity so often associated with the morning. Hope this helps. :)