If you're meaning like to check if someone's respiratory system is working right you'd want to find a pulse. If you find there's no pulse you should start chest compressions and call 911 continuing to do chest compressions
Replace fluids during exercise to promote adequate hydration. Drinking water is the best way to rehydrate and cool your body from the inside out. Rehydrate after exercise by drinking enough fluid to replace fluid losses during exercise......
1) Teenage years are a critical time when important decisions are made regarding the future.
2) It is also a time of change, which can be stressful.
3) Teenagers are often new to the "adult stress" they may encounter at this stage.
4) Teenagers often don't have the option of making the healthiest choices for many things, so it is important to make healthy choices when feasible.
5) Stress management is an important life skill to learn for everyone. Stress impedes performance, and teenagers must do their best as teenagers to one day be successful as adults.
hope this helps
Addiction treatment must include maintaining a lifestyle without drugs and become a productive member of society. It’s the only logical answer that makes remotely any sense