Accommodation may be defined as a type of the settlement or the convenient argument. The one individual satisfies with the statement of the other individual.
Gordon look at tomato and thinks that its an apple. His mother corrected him and he has separate schemata for tomatoes and apples. This shows the accommodation as Gordon shows the settlement on his mother's statement and do not continue any argument.
Thus, the correct answer is option (1).
Elemento químico, S, de número atómico 16. Los isótopos estables conocidos y sus porcentajes aproximados de abundancia en el azufre natural son éstos: 32S (95.1%); 33S (0.74%); 34S (4.2%) y 36S (0.016%). La proporción del azufre en la corteza terrestre es de 0.03-0.1%. Con frecuencia se encuentra como elemento libre cerca de las regiones volvánicas (depósitos impuros).
Are the some type of options ???
craving is the correct answer to the question i think