opinion polls have been around longer than social media ( A )
Opinion poll is a human research survey of public opinion about an activity or project to be engaged in. this is usually carried out on a sample of the kind of individuals whose opinion is needed to successfully carry out the project or activity.
opinion poll have been around long before the birth of social media. it is as old as man because it was even practiced in the stone ages. in the 21st century opinion polls are carried through emails, google and other forms which also includes social media of recent.
since the 1800s theres been a lot of rebelius uprisings on the balkans expecialy in the begining of the 1900s(Ilinden Uprising) then the Ottoman Empire was at war (First Bakan War 1911-12) with Montenegro(started the war), Serbia, Macedonia, Bugaria and Greece in 1913(2nd Balkan war) Greece, Serbia, and Bugaria divided Macedonia Greece took Aegon Macedonia Serbia took Vardar Macedonia Bugaria(stared the war) took Pirin Macedonia(smalest part) ---- Ottoman Empire, after 1700s had to maintain status quo for falling technologicaly and economicaly apart from European counterparts. Diplomaticaly it could have lost its existence long time ago if England and France did not prevent Russia from further advancing. However at the last times of the empire English left supporting and Italy invaded Tripoli, at that time with Russian support Balkan Wars began which was probably the greatest defeat of Ottoman Empire, by the countries it ruled for 4 centuries directly or as vassals. As nobody wanted to ally with Ottoman Empire, Germany was only country that was interested in allying. Great German aid was made, in both army and industry. Construction of Istanbul-Baghdad railroad was also maintained by German industry. Under this pro-German aids Ottoman Empire sought to gain its old power, at least on Balkans, which was so close to its capital and were highly populated by Turkish population. Note: By the Ottoman official records 2,5 million immigrants came from newly founded countries which is a real high number as Turkish population of Ottoman Empire was about 10 millions before WW1.
I do believe the correct answers are;
The industrial growth boosted economic growth in parts of Europe.
The new industrial technologies improved means of transportation.
A president should do good to both the parties of the negotiation, goals should be met and should come to an end where one country over powers the other.
While negotiating a treaty, the President of a country should make sure that all the purpose for which the treaty has been signed should be made met. When one country over powers the other, the treaty should not be signed. It should do good for the development of the country and to the citizens of the country.
He replaced the elected consuls and the Senate with an empire that could be inherited by members of the ruler's family.
Sulla, not being the Emperor in the modern sense of the word, he, however, possessed sole and unlimited power in the republic. His dictatorship dates back to 83-80 years BC, but the period of his sole rule began, in fact, in the 88th, when Sulla was elected consul. He held this post for eight years against all laws, including the Constitution. Formally, democratic institutions existed under him. There was even a second consul. But this consul was 'technical,' fulfilling the will of Sulla. There was a Senate, which was controlled in the same way by a dictator. The death of Sulla did not lead to major changes. The transition to one-man rule was a matter of time.