Locations won by Allied - Philippines, Coral Sea, Guadalcanal
Locations won by Japanese - Indonesia, Singapore
Japan invaded Indonesia with the intention to get hold on raw materials, especially oil which was there in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Japanese rules Indonesia from 1942-1945. They surrendered in August 1945.
The battle in Singapore took place in 1942. In this battle, Japanese won and occupied Singapore. General Percival failed to analyse the Japanese pincer movement and this became main cause for Allied to lost Singapore to Japanese. Japanese occupancy was there for 3 years from 1942 to 1945. After two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, they surrendered Singapore on 12th September 1945 to US military.
The battle of Philippines was won by Allied party. This war was fought in 1944-1945. This marked end of Second Philippine Republic and their liberation from Japanese.
The war of Coral Sea won by Allied in 1942. This battle involved both naval and air forces. In this battle both sides saw large scale loss of their forces. Japanese also won many provinces in this battle but lastly it was won by Allied.
Guadalcanal was won by Allied around 1942. This victory marked the start of Allied operations in Pacific. This was a military campaign in which Allied won against Japanese Empire.
The federal principle or system of government
2. Protecting Citizen's Rights
3. Opposes
In the past past, during Great Depression no one liked them because they had a whole bunch of rights and things that the poor/ lower class didn’t. Also in 1800s the upper class was the kings and rich men of the world, no one liked them because they were greedy and didn’t care for others but themselves
To help the poor and powerless.