The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. The winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is June 20 or 21, while the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is December 21 or 22.
National Geographic Society
Mass movement<span> is the </span>movement<span> of surface material, such as soil, rocks and debris, caused by gravity and other underlying conditions, such as water, wind, ice and human activity.</span>
Meandering caused the two oxbow lakes to be formed.
There are multiple different types of lakes, and the type of a lake is determined by the manner in which it has been formed. One of the lake types is the oxbow lake. This type of lake form from the preexisting meanders of the rivers, and they are located right next to a river, usually being separated by the river by only few meters.
When a river is meandering, which happens in flat terrain where the river is slow, it gradually takes up a snaky shape. This type of shape of the river can only go a certain point, till about 90 degrees angle of curvature. Once this angle is reached, the water starts to erode the sediment as it finds it hard to curl. Over time, the sediment is totally eroded, and the river continues in a straight line, cutting off the water to meandering parts, and separating itself from them. This results in the formation of oxbow lake, which is a bow-like, shallow lake.
Other types of lakes are:
- tectonic
- volcanic
- organic
- glacial
Learn more about the characteristics of a lake
is this a ful problem because i can seem to find a answer to this.
-- One feature of Earth is an atmosphere rich in nitrogen and oxygen.
Very unusual.
-- Another feature of Earth is vast quantities of liquid and solid water.
Very unusual.
-- Another feature of Earth is a range of temperatures near the melting point
of water.
Very unusual.