Specify Jacob and last name plz because I have absolutely no idea who that is
According to me the statement that best explain the difference between Mr. Dussel's and Mr. Frank's viewpoint is
C. Mr. Dussel believes the Dutch are good people, Mr. Frank does not.
Because in this situation they are actually having a different opinion or point of view about Dutch. So, it explain best the difference between their point of view.
were been
2 to have had had
3 to do did done
4 to say said said
5 to go went gone
6 to get got got / gotten
7 to make made made
8 to know knew known
9 to think thought thought
10 to take took taken
11 to see saw seen
12 to come came come
13 to want wanted wanted
14 to look looked looked
15 to use used used
16 to find found found
17 to give gave given
18 to tell told told
19 to work worked worked
20 to call called called
21 to try tried tried
22 to ask asked asked
23 to need needed needed
24 to feel felt felt
25 to become became become
naps is the verb and after lunch is the prep phrase
verbs show action and prep prases connect things from time and space