One must shoot thar elephant to succeed in thy's lifeth.
Two of the following are examples of parallel construction – “I came; I saw; I conquered” and "But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground." (Lincoln). Here, the correct options are A and C.
The use of parallelism is done to strike a balance within one or more statements comprising of similar phrases or clauses having the same grammatical structure. This kind of parallel construction of sentences makes the reading material simple and easy to read.
Also, the use of this technique gives a rhythm and balance to a statement and the repetition gives the sentence a smoother flow. Here, the sentences above show the use of parallel structure and helps in conveying the meaning in simple terms.
1. narwhal what Aronnax thinks the monster may be (a sea unicorn)
2. Abraham Lincoln United States' government boat
3. static character does not change
4. scientist Aronnax
5. shaped like a cylinder Nautilus
6. denouement name of the resolving action after the climax
7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea science fiction
The purpose of focus points is to maintain a person more concentrated on the important parts of something