High Sol
One way: You work your way up with your solfege. (like just going sol, la, ti, do all the way up to the next note)
Sencond way: you could start counting (numbers) from the space the first note is in all the way up to the next note. You'll notice it's just 8 and knowing that the solfege scale is by 8ths and so if you start on sol and its 4 lines and 4 spaces (incuding the starting space) then you will end on sol just it's an octave higher.
You can’t it’s a primary color
Vitaphone, as this system was now called, was publicly introduced on August 6, 1926, with the premiere of the nearly three-hour-long Don Juan; the first feature-length movie to employ a synchronized sound system of any type throughout, its soundtrack contained a musical score and added sound effects, but no recorded
Ari tones , scales , overtones , dissonances