The meaning and theme of the song "stronger (what doesn't kill you)" by kelly clarkson is that all the trails and tribulations (also know as hard times) that you face through your life help you claim experience, wheather it's you learning from your mistakes or learning what to do or what not to do the next time the situation happpens, you always learn something new in every challenge.
The British Invasion was a movement of the 60s where musicians from the U.K. would come to the United States to perform and share their British culture. One of the most famous groups that was a part of the movement was the Beatles and they impacted pop music by bringing new sounds through their song writing
"Like a Rolling Stone". It was a breakthrough because it was made in a rock music format in which musician Al Kooper improvised the organ riff that is known in the track. The length at over six minutes and it features a heavy electric sound, thus it <span>destroyed all previous restrictions on a pop single, including length, subject matter, and poetic diction.</span>