All immigrants were required to be members of the Church of England. ... The Anglican Church required priests to be trained in England.
Science allowed us to analyze what had been working, and further allowed the establishment of new technology
I believe the correct answer is D
The French People unseated the monarch Charles X
Espanol: ¿ Crees que, en la actulidad, las personas valor an elephant trabajo coming una fuerza transformadora?
La respuesta: En la actualidad debido a la pandemia, las personas han aprendido a valorar el trabajo como una fuerza transforadora.
English: Do you think people today value work as a transformative force?
Answer: Today because of the pandemic, people have learned to value work as a transformative force.
(I don’t know if the English thing is right or Spanish so if I’m wrong I’m sorry so stay with me because I’m still learning Spanish)