An iambic pentameter is a metric line where one stressed syllable is followed by one unstressed syllable. (the pattern is something like this:Λ_Λ_Λ_ where Λ stands for the stressed syllable)
Shakespeare is an author who used it extensively in his poetry and it is believed that he actually established the use of iambic pentameter . He chooses to write in it because it copies the sounds of natural human speech, even the rhythm of a human heartbeat.
Tybalt was Juliettes cousin (the capulet family) and Romeo (montaque?) killed a capulet. In all, romeo killed a capulet and now the capulets hate his family even more for killing one of a their close member.
The highwayman's anger was caused by the discovery of the death of Bess, the girl he loved.
The poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes tells the story of an unnamed highwayman falling in love with the daughter of an innkeeper. But the betrayal of Tim, the ostler, led Bess, the girl to sacrifice her life to save the highwayman from getting killed by the authorities.
The lines <em>"back he spurred like a madman, shouting a curse to the sky"</em> shows his anger at discovering that Bess had been killed while trying to save him. This was her way of making sure that he did not get captured and then tortured by the authorities, thereby showing her love for him. Thus, <u>the anger in him was a result of knowing Bess, his lover, had died at the hands of the authorities who were waiting for him.</u>