the most fitting one is <em>Claimant</em>
Critic is someone who gives their opinion on something, that could be friendly or harsh. Claimant means someone who makes a claim.
I'm probably wrong, but that is my best guess
A relative pronoun usually introduces an adjective clause
1. Repetition of inicial consonants - Alliteration - <em>stylistic device</em>
2. giving the appearance of saying one thing while meaning something else- Irony: <em>a figure of speech. difference between appearance and reality.</em>
3. a comparison using like or as - Simile: a<em> figure of speech used to compare.</em>
4. consists of two rhyming lines of verse with five iamic feet - heroic couplet: <em>literary device.</em>
5. giving something human characteristics - Personification: <em>figure of speech.</em>
6. a story in which things represent parts of a doctrine or theme - Allegory: <em>figure of speech used to teach moral lessons.</em>
7. poem with fourteen lines - Sonet: <em>it has a specific rhyme scheme</em>
8. rediculing something in order to correct behaviour - satire: <em> it criticizes by ridiculing</em>
9. Swift, Johnson, and Goldsmith's political party - Tory
10. tone in The Desert Village - sentimental.
Typically newspapers want their articles to be shorter because they want to appeal to their audience, who wants only the facts and information quickly.
I believe that making online purchases through smart speakers isn't a good idea. It would become very easy to steal credit card information if you are just yelling it into your devices. You also have the scenario were a kid or friend could jokingly order something.