Pierwszy snieg! platki,bardzo tak malo,bardzo jest jasno,przerobic ten swiat w sprzedawanej bieli. wszyscy w pakiecie czujemy sie tak jakbysmy byli grube pingwiny, cieple I sztywne. Zapakowane sklepy z zabawkami na pol rozdzielaja boki I matka przynosi do domu rzeczy, ktore chowa. Stare koledy szczyt. Zmierzch jest gesty. Jest nastroj slodkiego napiecia/niepewnosc. Pasterze czekaja,krolowie,drzewo,wszyscy czekajo na cos,jeszcze ma cos byc,. jednak byc jakims cudem, a potem jest tutaj otoczyla nadzieja, kolejny rok!
One time my parents tried to trick me into believing i wasn't getting anything for my birthday. However, because I knew they were tricking me, I was happy but upset at the same time. Do they not trust me? I have fooled others as well. Sometimes I trick people into believing the worst outcome happened but the best one actually occurs. They often seem more happy because they believed that the worst occurred.
didn't understand who is the hero of the schilpad nation?