An ad that says, "Doctors agree that ....." is making an appeal to the consumer on the basis of "vague claims," since it is generalizing an entire community of doctors, when in fact it is highly unlikely that every doctor agrees on whatever is being stated.
Severe decrease in morale
the viet were able to swiftly and effectively dessimate US and South Vietnamese troops leading to a lack of confidence and optimism.
A. The attempted extermination of European Jews and others by the Nazis.
Saint Augustine
Which pre-renaissance/pre-enlightenment theologian can be credited with laying the foundation for the catholic church's attitude, even through today, about faith and reason?
Saint Augustine, whose real name is Aurelius Augustinus, lived between 354 to 430. He was born in Thagaste in Roman Africa modern day Souk Ahras in Algeria. His work cut across issue of sin, grace, freedom and sexuality.Through which he engages with pre- and non-Christian philosophy, much of which he knew from firsthand.
Augustine is a saint of the Catholic Church, whose authority in theological matters was globally accepted in the Latin Middle Ages and still existing in the Western Christian tradition, virtually uncontested till the nineteenth century.
He is widely considered as the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity and the most influential in laying the foundation for the catholic church's attitude, even through today, about faith and reason