Answer: Silk Road
That was the easiest question I answered all day.
After the battle of midway Japan's army was pretty much destroyed. This is when we see kamikaze pilots also.
because his execution was justified... dates will prove: Charles surrendered in 1646, but wasn't executed until 1649...
Any options? A reason US joined the war was because German subs destroyed lusitania which had Americans on it. That's one of the main reasons we joined the war, if that's a option for your question then that's it.
If that is not a option let me know and i can further assist
The first two statementz are the true ones because in the revolution, the french saw america as a weeb country. but once they saw how well america was doing against Britain, they chose to help america by giving aid and weapons.
and without the help of the French, america really would have lost the war because they were losing soldiers fast due to lack of resoures and disease lol.
plus the third one is wrong because the question os asking for US & France not France & Britain smh :)