Magnet, water, coffee filter.
The magnet will pick up the iron filings, and the water will dissolve the sugar and leave the sand. Next add the sand to a coffee filter and squeeze the sugar-water liquid. You have now successfully separated each specimen.
abiotic and biotic factors
abiotic factors are things like sunlight, soil, minerals, ect.
biotic factors are things like plants, animals, fungi, ect.
Prophase is the first phase of mitosis, the process that separates the duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus of a parent cell into two identical daughter cells.
Metaphase is a stage in the cell cycle where all the genetic material is condensing into chromosomes.
Anaphase is the stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the chromosomes move toward the poles of the spindle.
Telophase is the final stage of mitosis and of the second division of meiosis in which the spindle disappears and the nucleus reforms around each set of chromosomes.
Cytokinesis is the division of cells after either mitosis or meiosis I and II.
Regulation of amino acids
When amino acids are absorbed by liver cells a series of chemical reactions begins. ... The amine group is reduced to ammonia by the addition of a hydrogen atom. This process is called deamination. The non-nitrogenous portion of the molecule is converted to carbohydrates or fats.