there is mostly billions of amount of water from raindrops each day i think.
If You want a EXACT number i'll say, 1,100.
The water molecules move by active transport into the cell from low water concentration to high water concentration
Liver and Pancreas
Liver and Pancreas play an important role in maintaining blood sugar homeostasis
The pancreas has cells called Islets of Langerhans which release insulin and glucagon which are responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels.
Liver too plays an important role in the regulation of blood sugar levels by releasing glucose in response to glucagon.
social facilitation
The concept of social facilitation was first proposed by Norman Triplett. After observing a cycling event, in which he noticed that cyclist performed better when they have others around competing with them, rather than cycling alone just against time. This led him to duct an experiment where he gave some children strings to wound fishing reel. He observed that, children wound the fishing reel faster in the presence of other children performing similar task, when compared to when perform such task alone.
This concept discovered by Norman Triplett, best illustrates the concept of social facilitation, which posits that, individuals tend to perform better in the mere presence of others or when they perform a task with others, than when performing the task alone.
It would certainly make a difference.
The mass of a planet determines how thick the planets atmosphere would be, if it can even sustain an atmosphere. If all the masses are the same, all of the large planets would not be able to sustain life, while all of the smaller, denser planets still have a chance.
The mass of a planet also affects it’s gravitational pull. If all of the planets had the same mass, they would all have the same gravitational pull, meaning that they would all attract the same amount of asteroids, meteors, and other spacial objects.
Overall, the simulation would certainly be different, for many, many reasons. The above are only two, and if you would like more, just add a comment and I can give you more.